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Liceo Linguistico Statale "Ilaria Alpi" di Cesena - Cesena (FC)
Centrale: P.zza Aldo Moro, 76 - 47521 Cesena (Fc) Tel. 0547 21256
Sede distaccata: P.zza Sanguinetti, 44 - 47521 Cesena (Fc) Tel. 0547 29306
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Liceo Linguistico Statale "Ilaria Alpi" di Cesena - Cesena (FC)
Exchange with Th. Langs Skole from Silkeborg 2023

The first stage of the exchange with the Th. Langs Skole from Silkeborg, in Denmark, took place in March (18-25 March). In this stage the Danish students were hosted by our students’ families.

During their stay in Cesena Danish and Italian students together attended classes - in the science lab for scientific experiments (visit our STEM DISCOVERY CAMPAIGN page); in the language lab for a taste of the Italian language; in the gym where they danced and played volleyball and basketball.


Italian students acted as guides for the Danish students through the town centre, pointing to the most iconic monuments in Cesena. At Biblioteca Malatestiana and Rocca, the Danish students had guided tours with professional guides. In Cesena they also had a chance to have a guided tour of the Abbazia del Monte, after the long challenging walk along via delle Scalette to get to the top of the hill, where the abbey is located.  


In Forlimpopoli, they visited the Rocca and Chiesa dei Servi, besides attending a cookery demonstration, following the footsteps of Pellegrino Artusi, who first had the idea of gathering home recipes of Italian dishes in a book and contributed to make Italian cuisine renowned all over the world. Under the supervision of Marietta Nadia – all the women who teach cookery are named after Marietta, Pellegrino Artusi’s cook -  some Danish students even tried to make garganelli and cappelletti from the sfoglia made by Marietta Nadia. 

Talking about food, it came natural to organise an evening for everybody, where the Italian and Danish students spent the evening together and had piadina dinner, with music and games. 

The last excursion for the Danish students was a day trip to Venice, which was reached by coach first and then ferry.


Finally, on 15 April we travelled to Silkeborg, Denmark …. 

We had a chance to get to know a bit of Danish family life, as our students were hosted by Danish families.

On the first day, after the welcome speech in Italian by the Principal, Tine Kristensen, we had a taste of the school activities at Th Langs Skole… 



We also had an interesting cultural programme: the Paper Factory Museum - watermarked paper made in Silkeborg was used all over Denmak -  where our students were able to make watermarked paper themselves. On the top of the Paper Factory Tower we could admire the beautiful landscape around Silkeborg and its lakes from the tallest building in town.


At the Art Centre of Silkeborg Bad we experienced a mixture of art, nature and history. The centre is located in the woods  and on the banks of one of the many lakes around Silkeborg. In the past Silkeborg Bad was a health-resort, which was also used as headquarters by the German occupation troops during World War II. The sculpture park hosts over fifty sculptures, and in the woods we were able to visit one of the several old German bunkers.

At the ARoS Museom of Modern Art in Aarhus we were guided by Danish students who illustrated some works of art exhibited there. 



Also in Aarhus we experienced a journey back in time through Denmark’s history at Den Gamle By,  a reconstruction of the life in a market town starting from Viking times to present.


While in Silkeborg, we celebrated Alessia’s and Lucrezia’s birthdays

and concluded our exchange on Friday night with a farewell party. 





Permalink: Silkeborg 2023Data di pubblicazione: 03/05/2023
Tag: Exchange with Th. Langs Skole from Silkeborg 2023Data ultima modifica: 08/06/2023 10:34:34
Visualizzazioni: 405 
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